Our product lines complement any manufacturing need, big or small.
RVT's Vision Factory and Vision Factory PRO allow robots to work in unstructured or varying environments. VF locates parts in all six degrees of freedom on automated manufacturing lines, aligning to any need.
VF STANDARD is RVT's simple, nimble, user-friendly software – loaded with only essential features.
The same powerful SC3D technology, just in a friendlier package.
Choose from the world’s leading industrial or collaborative robots.
Find up to 4 parts with up to 3 cameras in 2D, 2.5D, or 3D.
VF PRO is RVT's professional line for integrators or sophisticated manufacturers.
Find as many parts as needed with unlimited configurations.
Add multiple robots from the world’s leading industrial or collaborative robots.
Part ID, barcode reading, image processing and optimization, and more.
Competitively priced. Additional hardware and support not included.
For all the possibilities. Additional hardware and support not included.
Vision Factory's Single Camera 3D works best for rigid-body and feature-rich parts like mechanical OEM or injection molded parts. Vision Factory guides 6-axis industrial and collaborative robots to interact safely and effectively with the assembly environment. RVT's customers use VF for pack-in and pack-out, material handling, and machine tending.
Accurately pick parts from a conveyor or tray.
Confidently move parts through the assembly process.
Eliminate packaging shifts when packing or unpacking.
Pick parts randomly collected in bins.
Find machine controls for automated tending.